Jan Mot

Lili Dujourie

Born 1941, Roeselare (BE)
Lives and works in Lovendegem (BE)

Widely exhibited since the 1970s, Dujourie’s work has gained international prominence through such large-scale exhibitions as Documenta 12 (2007), the 7th Gwangju Biennale (2008), Sharjah Biennial 9 (2009) and the 21st Biennale of Sydney (2018). S.M.A.K., Ghent, and Mu.Zee, Ostend hosted a major solo exhibition by the artist in 2015. In 2016, Dujourie was awarded the Flemish Culture Prize for Visual Arts. Her work features in numerous private and public collections worldwide, including Castello di Rivoli, Torino; Generali Foundation Collection, Salzburg; La Caixa Foundation Collection of Contemporary Art, Barcelona; M HKA, Antwerp; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; and S.M.A.K., Ghent.


Solo exhibitions

Lili Dujourie, Jan Mot, Brussels

Lili Dujourie, Kohta, Helsinki

Lili Dujourie – “Night thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality”, Richard Saltoun Gallery, London
Lili Dujourie, Galleria Tucci Russo, Torre Pellice (IT)

Lili Dujourie, Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp (BE)

Solo booth at Artissima, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Torino (IT)
Folds in Time, Plooien in de tijd, S.M.A.K. Ghent and Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium

Lili Dujourie, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Brussels
Lili Dujourie, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren (DE)
Lili Dujourie – Jeux de dames, Gallery Michael Janssen, Berlin

Lili Dujourie – La naturaleza es sabia, Abadía Benedictina de Santo Domingo de Silos, Burgos (ES)
Lili Dujourie, Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin

Lili Dujourie, La Conservera, Ceuti, Murcia (ES)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Nelson-Freeman, Paris
Lili Dujourie, Le Creux de L’enfer, Thiers (FR)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Erna Hecey, Brussels

Lili Dujourie, Jeux de Dames, curated by Lynne Cooke, Bozar, Brussels

Lili Dujourie : Videos 1972-1981, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla (ES)

Lili Dujourie, Videos 1972-1981, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (DE)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Nelson, Paris
Lili Dujourie. Videos 1972-1981, Argos, Brussels
Lili Dujourie, Gallery Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Lili Dujourie, Ausgewählte Werke, Internationales Kunstzentrum Ostbelgien, Eupen (BE)
Lili Dujourie, Gallery Tucci Russo, Turin (IT)

Lili Dujourie, Photographs on Canvas (Untitled, 1979 and 1983), Gallery Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Lili Dujourie, Frühe Werke 1969-83, Kunstverein München, Munich (DE)

Lili Dujourie, curated by Bart Cassiman, Lisson Gallery, London

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Xavier Hufkens, Brussels
Lili Dujourie, Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno (UK)
Lili Dujourie, The Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast (IE)
Lili Dujourie, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Nelson, Paris

Lili Dujourie, Louver Gallery, New York (US)

Lili Dujourie, Daad Galerie, Berlin

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Nelson, Lyon (FR)
Lili Dujourie, Magasin, Grenoble (FR)
Lili Dujourie, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (DE)

Lili Dujourie, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (cat.) (DE)

Lili Dujourie, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Abbaye Saint-André, Meymac (FR)
Lili Dujourie, De Appel, Amsterdam (NL)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Joost Declercq, Ghent (BE)
Lili Dujourie, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud (cat.) (FR)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Micheline Swajcer, Antwerp (BE)

Lili Dujourie, Galerie L’A, Liège (BE)
Lili Dujourie, Draperiën, Gallery ‘t Venster, Rotterdam (NL)

Lili Dujourie, Gallery Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp (BE)

Lili Dujourie, Landschappen, Stillevens, Vereniging Aktuele Kunst, Gewad, Ghent (BE)

Lili Dujourie, ICC, Antwerp (BE)
Lili Dujourie, Gallery Kiki Maier-Hahn, Düsseldorf (DE)

Lili Dujourie, Orez-Mobiel Gallery, The Hague (NL)
Lili Dujourie, Raapstraat 8, Antwerp (BE)

Lili Dujourie, X-ONE Gallery, Antwerp (BE)


Selected group exhibitions

Presque partout, 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine, Metz (FR) (upcoming)

KIP, Kunst In Puurs, CC Binder, Puurs-Sint-Amands (BE)
, Museum Leuven (BE)
Ravel, Ravel, Ontsteking, Ghent (BE)
Celbeton Dendermonde 1957–75 - Vrijplaats voor Kunst en Kritiek
, Zaal 'T Sestich, Dendermonde (BE)
All our yesterdays
, IKOB – Museum of Contemporary Art, Eupen (BE)
Scale in Sculpture (1945-2000)
, Fundación Juan March, Madrid

Museum in motion, MuHKA, Antwerp (BE)
A Taste of Abstraction, Postmodern Abstract Painting in Belgium, La Patinoire Royale/Galerie Valerie Bach, Brussels
Works – stanley brouwn, Lili Dujourie, Daan Van Golden, Heimo Zobernig, Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp (BE)
Suspension/Stillness, curator Jean-Marc Prevost, Carré d’Art – Musée d’Art Contemporain, Nîmes (FR)
L’Évidence éternelle, curator Louis-Philippe Van Eeckhoutte, dépendance, Brussels
My Friends And Other Animals II, artist-curator Elena del Rivero, Travesía Cuatro, Madrid (ES)

Another Energy: Power to Continue Challenging, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
On Hannah Arendt, What is Authority, Richard Saltoun Gallery, London

“Before the wave”, Het Spilliaert Huis, Oostende (BE)
Biënnale van de Schilderkunst, Roger Raveel Museum, Machelen aan de Leie (BE)
STAGED BODIES : Photography and the Body in Postmodernism, Lieven Gevaert Centre, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (BE)
Short Memory, Gallery Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerpen (BE)
Terrain Utile, Frac des Pays De La Loire, Carquefou (FR)
Near Focus: Lili Dujourie, Vleeshal, Middelburg (NL)
Gigantisme – Art et Industrie, Frac Grand Large, Dunkerque (FR)

De taal van het lichaam, Museum M, Leuven (BE)
Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona (ES)
House of the sleeping beauties, S│2, London

Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s, Stavanger Art Museum, Stavanger (NO) & The Brno House of Arts, Brno (CZ)
Middle Gate II – Het verhaal van Dimpna, De Halle, Geel (BE)
Sanguine/Bloedrood. Luc Tuymans on Baroque, M HKA, Antwerp (BE)
Unexchangeable, Wiels, Brussels (BE)
Virginia Woolf – An Exhibition Inspired By Her Writings, Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, UK & The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (UK)
Voici des fleurs, La Loge, Brussels
21st Biennale of Sydney – Superposition: Equilibrium and Engagement, curated by Mami Kataoka, Art Gallery NSW, Sydney (AU)
Private Choices, Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels
Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe (DE)
Virginia Woolf – An Exhibition Inspired By Her Writings, Tate, St. Ives (UK)
Womenhouse 2.0, le musée de la Monnaie de Paris & National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC

How beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken, SMAK, Ghent (BE)
Résonances, Galerie Nadja Vilenne, Liège (BE)
Van Broodthaers tot Braeckman. Fotografie in de beeldende kunst in België, M HKA, Antwerp (BE)
STEP UP! Belgian Dance and Performance on Camera – 1970-2000, Argos, center for art and media, Brussels (BE)
Feminist Avantgarde of the 1970s. Works from the SAMMLUNG VERBUND Collection, Vienna, Photographers’ Gallery, London

Behind the curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Renaissance, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (DE)
Schaf und Ruder / Wool and Water, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (DE)
De jaren Tachtig – Een decennium van extremen, M HKA, Antwerpen (BE)
What Artists Do. An Exhibition of Works from the Collection, Castello di Rivoli, Torino (IT)
Twisted Strings, M-Museum, Leuven (BE)
Het Verbeelde Westen, Belgische Residentie, Den Haag (NL)

Words aren’t the thing, CAC, Vilnius
Arts sans Conditions, Triangle Bleu, Stavelot (BE)
The Corner Show, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp (BE)
Souvenirs de Paris, Gallery Peter Freeman, New York (US)
Feminist Avantgarde of the 1970s. Works from the collection SAMMLUNG VERBUND, Vienna, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (DE)

Growth and Form, curated by Dirk Snauwaert and Pascale Van Zuylen, Lhoist Art Collection (BE)
Quelques vidéastes de Belgique, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Strasbourg (FR)
Passions secrètes, collections privées flamandes, Tripostal, Lille (FR)
Petals on the Wind, GMS, Brussels
De vierkantigste rechthoek, KAdE Amersfoort (NL)
WOMAN. Internationellt Feministiskt Avantgarde Från 1970-Talet, Mjellby Museum in Halmstad (SE)
Woman, The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s, Bozar, Brussels
Tussenwereld, Lochristi, Sint-Niklaas (BE)
Late Barbarians, Gasworks Gallery, London

Conversation Piece, Mu.Zee Oostende (BE)
A Whole Range of Furtively Titillating Stereotypes, curated by Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp (BE)
Upside Down, Part I: Specific Objects and Part II: Let’s Dance, curated by Luk Lambrecht, CC Strombeek, Strombeek-Bever (BE)
De doorbraak van de ‘conceptuele kunst’ in België, curated by Koen Brams and Dirk Pültau, Museum M Leuven (BE)
De Collectie, S.M.A.K. Ghent (BE)
7th – International Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts in Liege · FFWD / RWD, Centre Culturel Les Chiroux, Liège (BE)
Bad Girls, 49 Nord 6 Est – Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Lorraine, Metz (FR)
Des Figures des Visages, LaM Villeneuve d’Ascq (FR)
Against Method, The Collection Seen by Gertrud Sandqvist, Generali Foundation Collection, Vienna
Bonjour Ostende, Oostende in de internationale kunst, Venetiaanse Gaanderijen Oostende (BE)
Baza(a)r Belg(i)e, curated by Claude Blondeel, Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussel
En suspension…, curated by Marc Camille Chimowicz, Frac Carquefou (FR)

QNX3 – Tegen het vergeten, curated by Peter Verhelst and Maud Bekaert, Concertgebouw Brugge (BE)
Brisure, Belfius Bank, Brussel
Vincent Geyskens, UnDEAD, S.M.A.K., Gent (BE)
Passie#1, Mu.ZEE, Oostende (BE)
Paper does not blush, Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin
Spirits of Internationalism, 6 European Collections 1956-1986, Van Abbemuseum, Rotterdam (NL)
Contour on Tour. Videokunst in het Vlaams Parlement, De Loketten, Brussels

Pearls of the North, Palais d’Iéna, Paris
Le Modèle a Bougé, Beaux-arts Mons, Mons (BE)
Sleeping Beauties, Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek (BE)
Collectie XXVIII, M HKA, Antwerp (BE)
Extra Muros: Meesterwerken in het MAS – vijf eeuwen beeld in Antwerpen, Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp (BE)

Collectie XXVI – De Artefactum jaren, M HKA, Antwerp (BE)
Animism, Extra City-Kunsthal and M HKA, Antwerp (BE) and Kunsthalle, Bern (CH)
Belgian Art, Sem Art Gallery, Monaco
Sobre el futuro de la fuerza colectiva en el context de un archive, Reina Sofia, Madrid
Belge avant Tout, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing (FR)
Owl Stretching Time, Nordenhake, Berlin
Women Artists Elles@centrepompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris

A Story of the Image, Old & New Masters from Antwerp, Shangai Art Museum and National Museum of Singapore
Ludlow W38, European Kunsthalle Köln, Goethe Institut, New York (US)
Rebelle – Art & Feminism 1969-2009, MMKA (Museum for Modern Art Arnhem), Arnhem (NL)
Beaufort 03 Triënnale voor hedendaagse kunst, curated by Philip Van den Bossche, Oostende (BE)
Sharjah Biennia 9, United Arab Emirates
Argos – Open Lounge, Zur Video-Szene Belgiens der 1970er Jahre bis heute, Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar (DE)

Arts Le Havre, Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Le Havre (FR)
Ellipsis, curated by Lynne Cooke, with Chantal Akerman and Francesca Woodman, Lund Kunsthalle (SE) and Dundee Contemporary Arts Centre (UK)
Fragilités, TRAFIC FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen (FR)
WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, curated by Connie Butler, PS1, New York (US) and MOCA, Los Angeles (US)
7th Biennale of Gwangjiu (KR), curated by Hyunjin Kim and Ranjt Hoskote
2th Biennale of The Hague (NL), curated by Ger Van Elk and David Perreau
1968 Celbeton, Dendermonde (BE)

Ellipsis, curated by Lynne Cooke, with Chantal Akerman and Francesca Woodman, Tamayo Museum, Mexico City
Jubilee: Een verhaal van het beeld, Who’s got the Big Picture?, M HKA, Antwerp (BE)
WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, MOCA, Los Angeles (US)
Documenta XII, Kassel (DE)
Gallery Nelson, 25th Anniversary , Paris

49 Nord 6 Est, Frac Lorraine (FR)
THE 1980s – A TOPOLOGY, Museu Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto
You won’t feel a thing: on panic, obsession, rituality and anesthesia, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk (PL)

You won’t feel a thing: on panic, obsession, rituality and anesthesia, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden (DE)

Dear ICC – Aspects of contemporary art in Belgium 1970-1985, Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst – MUHKA, Antwerp (BE)

Gelijk het leven is, Stedelijke Museum voor Aktuele Kunst – SMAK, Gent (BE)

Grimbergen 2002, curated by Luk Lambrecht, Centre culturel, Grimbergen (BE)

D’Ensor à Broodthaers, Un siècle de Peinture en Belgique, Toyoma Prefectural Museum of Art, Niigita Municpal Museum of Art, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, Oita Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan

La Consolation, le Magasin, Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble, Grenoble (FR)

Arterias, Collection of Contemporary Art Fundacio ‘La Caixa’, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö (SE)
Two hours wide or two hours long, Through Art and Society. The Fascinating Faces of Flanders. 58/98, curated by Barbara Vanderlinden, Centro Cultural de Belèm Lisbon (PT) and Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (BE)

Maakt Kunst Staat?, Provincial Museum, Hasselt (BE)
Tableaux, MoCa, Miami (US)
Trapped Reality, curated by Luk Lambrecht, Kunstcentrum Santa Monica, Barcelona (ES)
P.S. 1, Opening Programme, New York (US)
Inside the Visible, curated by Catherine de Zegher, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth (AU)

Inside the Visible. An Elliptical Traverse of the 20 th Century, ICA, Boston (US)
Women in the Arts, Washington DC, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth (AU)

Lili Dujourie, Pepe Espaliu, Cristina Iglesias, curated by John Murphy, Chisenhale Gallery, London
Gravity’s Angel (Lili Dujourie, Asta Gröting, Cristina Iglesias, Kirsten Ortwed), Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (UK)

Four Europeans : Helmut Dorner, Lili Dujourie, Harald Klingelhöller, Juliao Sarmento, Laura Carpenter Fine Art, Santa Fe (US)
Trans, Gallery Chantal Crousel, Paris
Cocido y Crudo, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid

Future perfect, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna
The sublim Void, Koninklijk Museum van Schone Kunsten, Antwerp (BE) (cat.)
Trésors de voyage, Monastère de l’île San-Lazzaro, Venice (IT) (cat)
Rooseum, Malmö
Accrochage, Gallery Xavier Hufkens (BE)
Kunst in België na 1980, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussels

Joy and Pain, Amsterdam (NL)
Thierry De Cordier, Lili Dujourie, Jan Van Oost, Jan Vercruysse, Gallery Xavier Hufkens, Brussels

Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (US)
Noli me Tangere, Lili Dujourie and Cristina Iglesias, Galerie Locus Solus, Genova (IT)(cat.)
Inscapes, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (cat.)

L’art en Belgique / Flandre et Wallonie au XXème siècle, un point de vue, ARC, Paris (FR) (cat.)
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo (NL) (cat.)
Gallery Anton Meier, Genèva (CH)
Gallery Joost Declercq, Ghent (BE)

Lili Dujourie, Robert Gober, Ulrich Horndash, Juan Munoz, Jan Van Oost, Galeria Comicas, Lisbon (PT)
Die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (DE)
Natura Naturata, Josh Baer Gallery, New York (US) (cat.)

Vanitas, Norwich School of Art Gallery, Norwich (UK) (cat)
Die Grosse Oper, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE) (cat.)
International Sculpture Exhibitions, University of Hawaï, Manoa Art Gallery, Hawaï (US)
The Biennale of Sidney Limited, Sydney (AU) (cat.)

Century 87, Amsterdam (NL) (cat.)
Openingstentoonstelling, MUKHA, Antwerp (BE)
Die Grosse Oper, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (DE) (cat.)
Nachtvuur, De Appel, Amsterdam (NL)

Rétrospective l’A, Musée d’art moderne, Liège (BE) (cat.)
Falls the Shadow, Recent British and European Art, Hayward Gallery (cat.)
Sonsbeek 86, Internationale Sculptuurtentoonstelling, Arnhem (NL) (cat.)
Initiatief 86, Sint Pietersabdij, Ghent (BE) (cat.)
Aperto 86, Biennale of Venice (IT) (cat.)
Au Coeur du Maelström, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (cat.)
Guillaume Bijl, Lili Dujourie, Jan Vercruysse, Raoul de Keyser, Kunsthalle Bern (CH) (cat.)
A Distanced View, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York (US) (cat.)
De collectie, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent (BE)

L’Indifférent, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (UK) (cat.)
L’Oeil Musicien, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Charleroi (BE) (cat.)
Dichgans, Dujourie, Dumas, Foxcroft, Kees de Goede, van Hemert, Iglesias, Klingelhöller, Luyten, Muñoz, Porter, Sarmento, Schmidt- HeinsBarbara, Schmidt-Heins Gabriele, Vermeiren, Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (NL) (cat.)
Sources, Three Flemish Artists, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin (cat.)
L’Art et le Temps, Musée Rath, Geneva (CH)

Lili Dujourie, John Murphy, Jan Vercruysse, Lisson Gallery, London
“De Tijd” -Le Temps, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels (cat.)

Art-Video, Retrospectives & Perspectives, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Charleroi (BE)
Anselmo, Dujourie, Mosta-Heirt, Spaletti, Vermeiren, Galerie Micheline Swajcer, Antwerp (BE)

Hedendaagse Belgische Kunst, Oude Abdij Maagdendaele, Oudenaarde (BE)

Vier Werken, Vereniging voor Aktuele Kunst, Gewad, Ghent (BE)
Videomaart, Videostudio Jan van Eyck, Maastricht (NL)

Camere Incantate, Espansione dell’Imagine, Palazzo Real, Milano (IT) (cat.)

Inzicht / Overzicht, Aktuele Kunst in Belgie, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent (BE)
Clemente, Dujourie, Grayson, Murphy, Robbins, Vercruysse, Vereniging Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent (BE) and Museum Dhondt- Dhaenens, Deurle (BE) (cat.)
Ancienne Imprimerie de l’Avenir, Tournai, Belgium (cat.)

Bonefantenmuseum, Maastricht (NL)
Lili Dujourie, Guy Mees, Jan Vercruysse, Raapstraat 8, Antwerp (BE)
De Klok, La Cloche, Magasins & Entrepôts Réunis, Antwerp (BE) (cat.)

Open Video Encounters, Genova (IT)
Open Video Encounters, London
Neue Galerie, Aix-la-Chapelle (FR)

Lange Lozanastraat, Antwerp, Belgium

Cyac, Third International Open Video Encounter, Ferrara, Italy
Cyac, International Video Encounters, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Guy Mees, Yves De Smedt, Lili Dujourie, Daniel Buren, Celbeton, Dendermonde (BE)