11/12/10 - 22/01/11
Pierre Bismuth
Le Versant de l'Analyse
Pierre Bismuth’s series En suivant la main gauche de Jacques Lacan starts from the TV-program “Psychoanalyse” broadcasted by the French public TV in the 70’s. The program shows the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan answering to questions submitted by his son-in-law Jacques-Alain Miller. The program and the text which stemmed from it became famous as the only real televisual practice by Lacan. The way he (hardly) tries to adapt himself to TV's prosody provides a video-object just as strange as singular.
For the three video works from the En suivant la main gauche de Jacques Lacan series (L'âme et l'inconscient,Psychothérapie et rapports sexuels, La sexualité) Pierre Bismuth took three clippings from the program and erased the actual imagery. Instead the videos show a line that is following the gestures of Lacan on the white screen creating an idiosyncratic drawing going along with the original soundtrack. Through this method the artist translates the original imagery from a rather predetermined to a more suggestive level and evokes the unconscious of the distinguished thinker Jaques Lacan.
In the exhibition Pierre Bismuth, Le versant de l’analyse, 11/12 – 22/1, at Jan Mot the three video works as well as three prints of the final drawing of each video will be shown.