17/03/17 - 06/05/17
Francis Alÿs
Without an Ending There is no Beginning

Francis Alys, installation view at Jan Mot, 2017

Francis Alÿs, Without an Ending There is no Beginning, 2014-2017, installation with 2 videos (public domain); two drawings on tracing paper, map, postcards, photographs, documents; models of a car (Lada Kopeika) and tree vintage posters

Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017

Francis Alÿs, St Petersburg, 2014
, pencil, paint, ink on tracing paper, signed, 21 x 28 cm

Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017
Francis Alÿs, St Petersburg, 2014,
paint on canvas on wood, signed, 20 x 25,5 cm

“When we were young, my brother and I shared a 1981 Lada Riva. One day we decided to escape our bourgeois Belgian city and drive to Leningrad. But the car broke down and soon after our lives parted. 30 years later I invite my brother to drive from Belgium to St. Petersburg, now in a 1977 Lada Kopeika. Upon arrival we’ll crash the car into a tree in the courtyard of the Winter Palace, together with the illusions of our youth. Without and ending there is no beginning.” (Francis Alÿs)

Francis Alys - installation view at Jan Mot, 2017

Francis Alÿs, St Petersburg, 2014-2017,
paint, tracing paper and gold leaves on canvas on wood, signed, 20 x 22,5 cm